Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Episode 5: Delegation

This week's show is all about Delegating, with a bonus segment on the Multi-Million Dollar Pitch.

The Multi-Million Dollar 15SecondPitch–How to Ask for Millions in under a minute
Laura Allen, co-founder of 15SecondPitch.com, teaches you how to get comfortable asking for millions by using the simple 15SecondPitch formula. Laura shares an actual pitch where an indie film-maker is looking for millions to create a film with an A-list actress as the star.
Laura is also offering a free pitch assessment for GBSBS listeners! Simply send your pitch (no matter how rough it is!) to laura@15SecondPitch.com and she'll send you some suggestions to make it SIZZLE! Even if you never need to ask for a million dollars, you'll still learn valuable tips for pitching your current business succesfully! After all, everyone needs to work their way up to creating a multi-million dollar pitch.

Ten Ways to Delegate Without Hiring
Becky McCray has ten tricks up her sleeve to help even the one-person business to delegate, all without hiring. If you already have a team, think about these ten ways to boost your effectiveness without having to expand your payroll. You'll find more of Becky's small business writings at Small Biz Survival.
Download Becky's handout.

Six Steps to Delegate Effectively
Benjamin Yoskovitz talks about the necessity for small business owners to delegate. As much as we'd like to control everything, we can't. So small business owners must become experts at delegating, and Benjamin offers 6 steps to follow in order to do so successfully. Ben has a new small business blog, the Instigator Blog.
Download Ben's handout.

Delegation in a Virtual World
Today many of us delegate much more to outside service providers and partners than we do employees. How do we do this effectively? Steve Rucinski uses the three C’s to help make good decisions. Take a listen and learn more! Steve is the Small Business CEO.
Download Steve's handout.

The Entrepreneurial Chicken: What can you really delegate?
This week, the Entrepreneurial Chicken Jon Swanson shares what parts of your business to delegate to the people you hire.

this is an audio post - click to play

Music for this Week
Music for this week's episode is all provided by Uncle Seth, a podsafe band from Canada. You can listen to (and purchase) their great music at http://music.podshow.com
Uncle Seth- A Little Bit More / My Eyes / If I Laugh / Little Pieces / 13 Cloud Song / Out of My Face / and of course, "You Don't Need An Ipod"

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