Everyone has strong feelings about customer service. We all have stories of really bad service, and a few shining examples. Try this at your next party or cookout: ask the other guests about a story relating to customer service. You'll certainly hear lots of passion in either way.
Heidi Miller
Heidi gives us perspective based on Dr. Stephen Covey's 5th Habit: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. Among other gigs Heidi had in the past, one was as a motivational speaker, and she worked with customer service clients.
Heidi can be found at Talk it Up!
Steve Rucinski
Steve Rucinski gives us part 1 of a two part series on advisory boards. He explains the value of the expertise of advisors, the benefit of their business contacts, and all the reasons that an advisory board for a small business is better than a standard Board of Directors.
Steve's site is SMBCEO.COM
Ben Yoskovitz
Providing great customer service is essential for small businesses to survive and be successful. One of the key benefits to providing great customer service is cultivating customer loyalty. Ben Yoskovitz provides us 4 ways of providing great customer service with an eye towards developing customer loyalty.
Ben provides a great handout for his presentation here
Ben can be found at IGotNewsForYou.com
Colleen Wainwright
Our new contributor, Colleen, gives us some advice about some of the better tricks one might use to improve their customer service offering. She hints also about a story of bad customer service involving the worlds largest online bookseller. You can email Colleen for that story.
Colleen Wainwright is an L.A.-based designer-writer-speaker who started calling herself "the communicatrix" when she hit three hyphens. When she's not yakking about business-y stuff for GBSBS, she yaks about all sorts of stuff at Communicatrix.com
Chris Brogan
Finally, I talk about Experience Management: Taking your customer into the story of your business. How do you engage your customers in a way that they walk away from your business with a great impression of the experience they had with your product, service, or brand?
I'm all over the place. Stop by [chrisbrogan.com] to learn a bit more about your temporary host.
These tracks were used for background music:
rye soto with Cool Jam
SmilinCynic with Trippin Out My Head
Jeff Shields - Groovalaicious.
Alamantra with Surf Babe
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