Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Episode 8: Building Client Relationships in Small Business

Without clients we have no business, so this week our experts talk about building relationships before the first sale and maintaining relationships for the long term.

Steve Rucinski - Control your ego
Steve Rucinski talks about controlling your ego to focus on the client’s needs. He recommends the book Let’s Get Real by Mahan Khalsa.
Download Steve’s handout.

Becky McCray - Building client relationships one layer at a time
Becky McCray explains a process and a mindset of layering information as a part of building relationships.

Heidi Miller - 8 simple tips to keep client relationships alive after the first sale
Heidi Miller has a real world example of relationship building, plus 8 simple tips to make sure your customers don’t end up calling your competitors.

Colleen Wainwright - Relationship rules for business
Colleen Wainwright explains which rules for personal relationships also apply to business relationship building.

this is an audio post - click to play

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